a new take on coffee.
as coffee is rarely seen as what it is – a fruit -, our goal is to highlight each bean’s unique flavour profile and the different influences that affect them: from the altitude a bean is grown on to its processing and the terroir it is from. coffee beans are proven to contain between four and five times as many volatile flavour compounds when compared to wine. to be able to highlight this, we believe that it makes the most sense to roast our coffees in such a way that the natural flavour profiles do not get overshadowed by roasty notes. as a result, our coffees feature a more distinctive and bright acidity and significantly less bitterness than the commodity coffees so many people are used to.
we know you might have an established idea of what coffee is, but we will possibly serve or sell you something that is broadly different. our passion for coffee is driven by sharing our ideas with others. we welcome you to explore that world with us.
monday to saturday
10:00 – 18:00 -
wilhelmsstraße 31
34117 kasssel -
roasting day
every tuesday

a new take on coffee.
as coffee is rarely seen as what it is – a fruit -, our goal is to highlight each bean’s unique flavour profile and the different influences that affect them: from the altitude a bean is grown on to its processing and the terroir it is from. coffee beans are proven to contain between four and five times as many volatile flavour compounds when compared to wine. to be able to highlight this, we believe that it makes the most sense to roast our coffees in such a way that the natural flavour profiles do not get overshadowed by roasty notes. as a result, our coffees feature a more distinctive and bright acidity and significantly less bitterness than the commodity coffees so many people are used to.
we know you might have an established idea of what coffee is, but we will possibly serve or sell you something that is broadly different. our passion for coffee is driven by sharing our ideas with others. we welcome you to explore that world with us.
[open_text]%if_open_now% heute geöffnet
%hours_today% %end% %if_closed_now%wir haben
geschlossen%end%[/open_text] -
wilhelmsstraße 31
34117 kasssel -
roasting day
every tuesday
[open_text]%if_open_now% open today
%hours_today% %end% %if_closed_now%we are closed
%end%[/open_text] -
wilhelmsstraße 31
34117 kasssel -
roasting day
every tuesday